The Battle for Conservatism in Portage-Lisgar
I will say, that by-elections are often the most unpredictable things. – Peter Mansbridge, on a recent episode of his podcast, The Bridge. The outcome of the... Read more.

Canada’s Ideology of Endless Growth
I recently published the lengthiest report in English Canada on the Century Initiative (available on my website, dominionreview.ca). This lobby group, which has... Read more.

Century Initiative: The Lobbyists that Want to Raise Canada’s Population to 100 Million
The Century Initiative is a lobby pushing for massive population growth in Canada. This goal is clearly stated on their website: “We advocate for policies to increase... Read more.

Canada’s Immigration Delirium
John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) wrote that social stigma can be stronger than legislative prohibition in suppressing controversial speech. He argued that silencing... Read more.

Post-National Passports
“When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness” – Alexis de Tocqueville The Trudeau government has decided to eliminate pictures... Read more.

Islamic Assimilation Remains a Major Challenge in Québec
Québec continues to face cultural clashes stemming from the religious and cultural assertiveness of many members of its growing Muslim minority, and the expectations... Read more.

Defunding CBC: The Libertarian Takeover Of Canadian Conservatism
Imagine your town’s water board was marred by financial mismanagement, and staffed by incompetents, to the point that leaks went unfixed, and unhealthy levels... Read more.

Danielle Smith Establishes Sharia Banking in Alberta
What do we really know about Premier Danielle Smith? Despite being regarded as Canada’s most conservative Premier, Smith recently laid the groundwork for Sharia-compliant... Read more.

Poilievre’s Surreal Housing Plan and Canada’s Immigration Taboo
Taboos have consequences. In India, Hindu national and state governments have introduced increasingly strict laws prohibiting the slaughter of cows, honouring Hinduism’s... Read more.

Poilievre Panders, Promises Direct Flights to Punjab
In 2012, National Post published an interesting piece on immigration to Canada: As immigration booms, ethnic enclaves swell and segregate. The article revealed the... Read more.