Young People Starting To Stand Up

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on the Canadians for a Sustainable Society website ( It is republished here with permission of the author. I am grateful for the kind endorsement of Dominion Review’s mission at the end of the article! Most of the activists supporting a socially and environmentally rational immigration policy are north of 60. They

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How Canadian Nationalists Can Use Community Politics To Renew Canada

Last week, the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) released its bombshell report revealing that some Members of Parliament are suspected of engaging in treason against the Canadian people by colluding with foreign powers – including the handover of classified government documents. It is now questionable whether the Parliament of Canada can still

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Do Canadian Politicians Exhibit Dark Triad Personality Traits?

There are a number of diagnosed personality disorders, covering a broad range of traits, that contribute to social toxicity.  They are grouped into three categories – clusters A, B, and C, with cluster B disorders being the most destructive.  Cluster B includes the psychopaths, malignant narcissists and machiavellian types.  A common term applied to this

Do Canadian Politicians Exhibit Dark Triad Personality Traits? Read More »

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