Local Governments Chafe Against B.C. NDP’s Authoritarian Zoning Bill

It turns out that mayors and town councils don’t love the idea of zoning control being unilaterally transferred to Victoria with minimal or no consultation. Who could have guessed? Bill 44, which abolishes single-family zoning and bans rezoning hearings in all B.C. municipalities of more than 5,000 residents, goes into effect at the end of […]

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Mass Immigration Housing Policies Coming To Canada’s North

There is nowhere in Canada where you can escape the effects of mass immigration into our country. Everything has become more expensive as an explosion in population creates an explosion in demand for goods and services, our social services are crumbling under the pressure of wave after wave of migrants, and our cities have become

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Will The State, Once Again, Take An Interest In The Bedrooms Of The Nation?

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on Population Institute Canada’s website (populationinstitutecanada.ca) on April 30th, 2024. It is republished on Dominion Review with permission of the author.  “There’s no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation,” Pierre Elliott Trudeau famously said in 1967 while discussing his omnibus bill with reporters, which included changes to the criminal

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Academics Misfire In Trying To Overcome Supposed “NIMBYism”

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on Brian Graff’s Substack: https://briangraff.substack.com/ Urban planning and housing affordability have risen near the top of domestic political issues in the last few years in both Canada and the US. There has been a corresponding rise in neoliberal YIMBYism and calls for liberalizing zoning and other regulation related

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YIMBY: An Alchemy To Turn Lead Into Gold

NIMBY: Selfish parochialism or rational self-interest? The term “NIMBY” (Not In My Back Yard) refers to the opposition by local residents to any new infrastructure project, such as a housing development, group home, or incinerator proposed for their neighbourhood. As Robert Lake writes in a 1993 article, Rethinking NIMBY, NIMBY is generally seen as “selfish parochialism”

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