Canadian Public Opinion Shifts Towards Immigration Restriction

A Nanos poll for the Globe and Mail found that 53% of Canadians want the federal government to accept fewer immigrants than the projected 2023 target of 465,000 permanent residents. This is a rise of almost 20 percentage points since March, when only 34% of respondents wanted lower immigration. Just over a third of respondents […]

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Greenbelts and Fake Conservatives

The reason why a majority of Canadians reject the Right-wing is because the authentic conservatism of hearth and home has been replaced with the ideology of unrestrained capitalism. Family and flag have become free trade and free markets. The removal of land from Toronto’s greenbelt by Ontario Premier Ford’s government is an excellent example of

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Immigration-Driven Population Growth: Canada’s Untouchable Subject

This is such a huge sensitive subject … where to begin and how to keep it succinct. To me, population growth in Canada and the world affects two key aspects of life: 1)  quality of life and 2)  the survival of humans and all other species on the planet. Quality of life is a very

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Sky-High Immigration Collides with Reality

It has been said that there are three things that matter in history: numbers, numbers, and numbers. This also applies to immigration policy. Canada’s immigration policy has historically been geared towards addressing specific needs, such as the settling of the prairies by Eastern European immigrants in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Immigration has

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Canada’s Incompatible Environment and Immigration Policies

The Good Ship Canada at 40 Million: Where Are We Headed? Congratulations, Canada! On June 16, right on time for Canada Day, you reached a population of 40 million. This is no mean feat for a country whose total fertility rate is 1.4 children per woman and has been below the replacement level of 2.1 since 1971, when its

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Can Social Trust and Diversity Coexist?

Editor’s note: When this op-ed was originally published in the print and digital versions of the Vancouver Sun in September 2019, it ignited significant controversy on social media. The Vancouver Sun subsequently deleted the article from its website and issued an apology. With permission of the author, in the interest of freedom of speech, it

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Canada’s Ideology of Endless Growth

I recently published the lengthiest report in English Canada on the Century Initiative (available on my website, This lobby group, which has been influential in the Trudeau government, seeks to increase Canada’s population to 100 million by 2100 through mass immigration. The Century Initiative’s goal could only find fertile ground in a country whose

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Century Initiative: The Lobbyists that Want to Raise Canada’s Population to 100 Million

The Century Initiative is a lobby pushing for massive population growth in Canada. This goal is clearly stated on their website: “We advocate for policies to increase Canada’s population to 100 million by 2100”. Who is behind this group, and what might be their motivations? The Broad Influence of the Century Initiative The Century Initiative

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