New Poll: A Majority Of Both White And Non-White Canadians Think Immigration Is Too High

The federal government has caved to rising support for immigration restriction by placing caps and restrictions on the foreign worker and international student streams, as well as slashing annual permanent resident admissions by 21%. Despite these measures, a majority of Canadians of nearly every demographic continue to feel that immigration is too high.

A new poll released by the Association for Canadian Studies and the Metropolis Institute delves into current Canadian attitudes towards immigration policy. To read the full survey, click here. Here are some key findings:

A strong majority still thinks immigration levels are too high

“Do you feel that there are (currently) too many, too few or about the right number of immigrants coming to Canada?”

  • Too many: 58%
  • About the right number: 29%
  • Too few: 3%
  • Don’t know/prefer not to answer: 9%

Majority of all age groups, all regions think immigration is too high

Percentage answering “too many” among age groups:

  • 18-34: 52%
  • 35-54: 63%
  • 55+: 59%

Percentage answering “too many” across the regions included in the survey:

  • Atlantic Canada: 58%
  • Quebec: 58%
  • Ontario: 59%
  • Manitoba/Saskatchewan: 56%
  • Alberta: 61%
  • BC: 56%

White and non-white Canadians agree that immigration levels are too high

Percentage answering “too many”:

  • White: 54%
  • Non-white: 60%

Most Canadians agree that we are a “nation of immigrants”…

“Canada is a nation of immigrants”

  • Yes: 70%
  • No: 18%
  • Don’t know: 12%

…but that doesn’t mean they support current immigration levels

  • Percentage answering “too many” among respondents who disagree that Canada is a “nation of immigrants”: 68%
  • Percentage answering “too many” among respondents who agree that Canada is a “nation of immigrants”: 57%

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- Riley Donovan, editor

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