Canada’s Immigration System: An Invitation To Scammers

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on Population Institute Canada’s website ( on August 27th, 2024. It is republished on Dominion Review with permission of the author. Not long ago, I was contacted by an immigrant from a developing country that I’ll call “Pangea” who had seen one of my articles republished on a Canadian housing subreddit. […]

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The Century Initiative: A Blueprint For A Bigger, Broken Canada

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on Population Institute Canada’s website ( on July 4th, 2024. It is republished on Dominion Review with permission of the author.  Why is growth in your city exploding? Most Canadians have probably never heard of the Century Initiative. It operates behind the scenes and has received a measure of public scrutiny

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Will The State, Once Again, Take An Interest In The Bedrooms Of The Nation?

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on Population Institute Canada’s website ( on April 30th, 2024. It is republished on Dominion Review with permission of the author.  “There’s no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation,” Pierre Elliott Trudeau famously said in 1967 while discussing his omnibus bill with reporters, which included changes to the criminal

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YIMBY: An Alchemy To Turn Lead Into Gold

NIMBY: Selfish parochialism or rational self-interest? The term “NIMBY” (Not In My Back Yard) refers to the opposition by local residents to any new infrastructure project, such as a housing development, group home, or incinerator proposed for their neighbourhood. As Robert Lake writes in a 1993 article, Rethinking NIMBY, NIMBY is generally seen as “selfish parochialism”

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Recent Polls Show That Canadians Are Getting Exactly What They Don’t Want

Canadians are frequently told that continuous growth is just what their country needs. But when surveyed, they have never expressed a craving for it. They want safe communities, access to nature, equality and the rule of law. They place greater value on quality of life than on a larger economy. However, contrary to what Canadians

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Is the Environmental Movement Killing Itself with Social Justice?

A few weeks ago, PIC made a tweet about sprawl. Twitter, as you likely know, limits the number of characters, including spaces, in a tweet to 280, so one must be terse. The tweet read: “You want to stop sprawl but won’t talk about population growth? Then you’re fixating on a symptom but ignoring the

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Canada’s Immigration Policy: Circular Reasoning, Bafflegab, and BS

Crisis? What crisis?  Following the cabinet shuffle in July, Canada’s freshly minted immigration minister, Marc Miller, has repeatedly reiterated that his government is not considering reducing immigration levels despite Canada’s housing crisis. The competition for housing is so intense that house prices have doubled since Miller’s boss, Justin Trudeau, came to power in 2015. The impacts of this

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Blatantly Oblivious to the Blindingly Obvious

Canada’s Housing Crisis: Who’s Running the Show – and for Whom? The most basic, fundamental concept in economics is “supply and demand.” Even someone who has never cracked open a textbook on economics is likely familiar with the term. Our political leaders would be conversant in economic theories and our financial leaders are presumably experts.

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