Poll: Majority Skeptical of Century Initiative, Think Immigration Should Benefit Canadians
A Leger poll commissioned by Canadians for a Sustainable Society, a Canadian environmentalist organization, contains striking insights into public attitudes on a... Read more.

The Canadian Left is Losing the Working Class
In September, Poilievre embarked on a grand tour of the NDP stronghold of Vancouver Island, holding a boisterous 1,500-person rally in the hamlet of Black Creek... Read more.

New Abacus Poll Shows Canadian Immigration Attitudes Hardening
In the last few days, two new polls on Canadian immigration attitudes have been released from respected polling firms Leger and Abacus. The data shows that skepticism... Read more.

Bill-44: The Authoritarian Densification of British Columbia
The B.C. NDP has introduced Bill-44, which if passed later this fall will abolish single-family zoning in all municipalities with more than 5,000 residents. Three... Read more.

Fake Chinese Honey Still Imported To Canada
In 2018, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) tested 240 samples of honey across the country. While 100% of Canadian honey samples were pure, nearly 22% of... Read more.

Gulf States Buying Canadian Residency Spots
Canada’s doctor shortage, largely driven by population growth through immigration, is becoming increasingly acute. This situation is being exacerbated by the foreign... Read more.

The debate which followed the accidental Parliamentary celebration of a 98-year-old veteran of the Nazi Waffen SS 14th Grenadier Division reveals a political class... Read more.

Old Books Are Not Weeds
“When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness” – Alexis de Tocqueville I recently joined the local library’s 10am crew,... Read more.

Canadian Public Opinion Shifts Towards Immigration Restriction
A Nanos poll for the Globe and Mail found that 53% of Canadians want the federal government to accept fewer immigrants than the projected 2023 target of 465,000... Read more.

Our Preposterously Porous Border
According to a new CIBC report titled “Counting heads in Canada – a conundrum” there are a million more people in Canada than recorded by official statistics.... Read more.