Don’t Defund The CBC – Just Purge The Woke Ideology

I understand the urge to defund the CBC. On any given day, the CBC website consists of a dozen puff pieces and feel-good stories, along with four or five articles that read like transcripts of critical race and gender theory university lectures. A quick glance reveals that the CBC is currently promoting a documentary called

Don’t Defund The CBC – Just Purge The Woke Ideology Read More »

Yascha Mounk’s Book On “Wokeness” Is Eye-Opening

DEI, wokeness, critical race theory, systemic racism, intersectionality and cultural appropriation. Ten or twenty years ago, most of these terms were unknown, and some only existed inside academia or very limited circles of left-wing intellectuals. Identity politics has since come to the fore. Before the millenium, just about the only term that was in common

Yascha Mounk’s Book On “Wokeness” Is Eye-Opening Read More »

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