Death Of Merit In Canada? Eric Lombardi Misses The Target

Brian Graff responds to Eric Lombardi’s piece “The death of merit, the birth of aristocracy, and Canada’s quiet descent into neofeudalism”, originally published in The Hub. Rube Goldberg was a famous cartoonist in the 1930s who created visions of crazy complicated machines that did simple tasks in an absurd, complex and roundabout way. I thought

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Poilievre, Stop Worrying and Seize the Immigration Opportunity

Poilievre’s Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) currently has the greatest political opportunity to reform immigration since it started to work against the interests of the people decades ago. With immigration so obviously the cause of the decline in living standards that even 62% of immigrants want to reduce it, Poilievere’s patriotic supporters can only defend

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The Canadian Left is Losing the Working Class

In September, Poilievre embarked on a grand tour of the NDP stronghold of Vancouver Island, holding a boisterous 1,500-person rally in the hamlet of Black Creek near Courtenay and Campbell River. On November 13th, Poilievre held a rally in Duncan’s Cowichan Exhibition Grounds, drawing an enthusiastic crowd of 2,000. Six of Vancouver Island’s seven federal

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Bill-44: The Authoritarian Densification of British Columbia

The B.C. NDP has introduced Bill-44, which if passed later this fall will abolish single-family zoning in all municipalities with more than 5,000 residents. Three to four housing units, in the form of secondary suites, laneway houses, townhomes, triplexes, and house-plexes, will now be permitted on residential single-family lots. This dramatic densification will be accomplished

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Understanding The Interests That Drive Access To Medical Licensure

“A democracy cannot be both ignorant and free.”  Thomas Jefferson.  “Parliament and the public cannot hope to call the Government to account without an adequate knowledge of what is going on; nor can they hope to participate in the decision-making process and contribute their talents to the formation of policy and legislation if that process

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