Canadian Defence Policy: Playing The Percentages?
There are a number of times when I get suspicious about unanimity – when everyone seems to agree about something and there is no real dissent or criticism, except... Read more.

$Melania, Crypto, Upzoning, And The Greater Fool
I like to think that I have lived long enough to spot fads that make little sense and yet are popular. People are often not very rational, and often markets are... Read more.

We Don’t Surrender: Merging Canada Into The U.S. Would Be Too Absurdly Difficult To Even Discuss
Like most Canadians, I was sick of Trump even before he was sworn in on January 20th. Now, pretty well everything that comes out of his mouth is a half-true, ignorant... Read more.

I Told You So: Over 45 Years Of Being A Canadian Economic Nationalist When It Was Not Popular
If you haven’t seen it, the 2010 comedy “Hot Tub Time Machine” is far better than the title suggests. The concept is pretty basic, and I won’t go into the... Read more.

Recent Book By Trump’s Former Trade Czar A Must Read For Canadians
I was about 11 when the movie Patton came out in 1970. I thought it was so great that I went to see it three times in the theatre, mainly because of George C. Scott’s... Read more.

Should Canada’s Criminal Code Become More “Woke”?
Unfortunately, we live in a violent world, but not as violent as it has been. In 2011, Canadian-American cognitive psychologist, psycholinguist, and public intellectual... Read more.

Canada’s Foreign Policy Sorely Lacks Creativity
Foreign policy includes a variety of objectives, including economic ones. During the Cold War, up to around 1990, Canada’s role in the world was pretty clear.... Read more.

Was Trump’s Victory Fluke Or Fate?
My mother was in her early 90s when she passed away in early 2016. She was often fascinated by US politics. She bought our first colour TV in 1973 because she wanted... Read more.

Trump’s Victory Is Not As Monumental As It Seems To The Media
In the days before the US election, the major news media in Canada and the US (newspapers, TV networks, and cable channels etc., excluding Fox News) were saying... Read more.

The 2% Solution: How Canada Can Meet Its NATO Spending Obligation Sensibly
Nearly every newspaper or magazine article that has anything to do with Canadian defence policy inevitably mentions that Canada is far below the 2% spending target... Read more.