
Stop Calling Everything A Crisis

Contemporary discourse is saturated with one word: “crisis”. It is applied to every problem we encounter. If you google the term, you will be informed that ... Read more.

Justin Trudeau: On The Ropes Again

Justin Trudeau on the Ropes: Governing in Troubled Times. Paul Wells. Sutherland House, 2024. Donovan Rating: Highly recommend It has been aptly remarked that a... Read more.
Book Review

The Left Should Sideline The Woke

Walking through the charming historic town of Ladysmith, I spied a pamphlet declaring that “Canadian pensions are too low!”. I was shocked to learn that the... Read more.
Canadian Politics

Tim Houston’s Plan To Double Nova Scotia’s Population Through Immigration

“People drive economies, so we need people.” – Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston Nova Scotia has an estimated population of 1,070,643. That̵... Read more.
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