Poilievre, Stop Worrying and Seize the Immigration Opportunity

Poilievre’s Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) currently has the greatest political opportunity to reform immigration since it started to work against the interests of the people decades ago. With immigration so obviously the cause of the decline in living standards that even 62% of immigrants want to reduce it, Poilievere’s patriotic supporters can only defend […]

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Feds Allow Medical Schools to Train Foreign Doctors while Canadian Doctors are Turned Away

“Our health is our most valuable asset.”  Because access to healthcare is government controlled in Canada, Canadians are largely reliant on our government to protect this asset. Unfortunately, this Canadian asset and in thousands of cases life itself are being squandered by both the provincial and federal governments across Canada. Healthcare is under the jurisdiction

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Understanding The Interests That Drive Access To Medical Licensure

“A democracy cannot be both ignorant and free.”  Thomas Jefferson.  “Parliament and the public cannot hope to call the Government to account without an adequate knowledge of what is going on; nor can they hope to participate in the decision-making process and contribute their talents to the formation of policy and legislation if that process

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Why Affordable Housing Policies Have Failed

Canada now plays host to 807,750 foreign students, 770,000 temporary workers, and 500,000 new immigrants being admitted annually. As a group, they represent mass immigration. Most of these people settle and are concentrated in a few parts of Canada, nowhere more so than southern Ontario and southern BC. Their numbers are rising annually and the 500,000 new

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Is the Environmental Movement Killing Itself with Social Justice?

A few weeks ago, PIC made a tweet about sprawl. Twitter, as you likely know, limits the number of characters, including spaces, in a tweet to 280, so one must be terse. The tweet read: “You want to stop sprawl but won’t talk about population growth? Then you’re fixating on a symptom but ignoring the

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Canada’s Immigration Policy: Circular Reasoning, Bafflegab, and BS

Crisis? What crisis?  Following the cabinet shuffle in July, Canada’s freshly minted immigration minister, Marc Miller, has repeatedly reiterated that his government is not considering reducing immigration levels despite Canada’s housing crisis. The competition for housing is so intense that house prices have doubled since Miller’s boss, Justin Trudeau, came to power in 2015. The impacts of this

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Grassroots and Party Elites: What you Need to Know About the CPC23 Convention

CPC23 Convention and National Council Elections. The September 7-9, 2023 Conservative Party of Canada Convention (CPC23) in Quebec City is the first in-person convention in five years, since 2018! Why are Conservative Party Convention tickets so much more expensive than they were in previous years? This year’s prices are $459 for a youth ticket and

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Immigration-Driven Population Growth: Canada’s Untouchable Subject

This is such a huge sensitive subject … where to begin and how to keep it succinct. To me, population growth in Canada and the world affects two key aspects of life: 1)  quality of life and 2)  the survival of humans and all other species on the planet. Quality of life is a very

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